Manasquan Beach Improvement Association
The MBIA was chartered with a Board of Trustees that numbered fourteen, each for a three-year term, and members that numbered around fifty. Dues were $2.00 per family at the time. Later, in an effort to attract more people from newly developed areas of town to the organization, the number of Trustees was increased to twenty-five and membership today stands at just under three hundred households; annual dues for 2020 are $20.00. MBIA Trustees meet six times during the year and a meeting for the entire membership is held annually in June. Membership in the MBIA is open to any owner or lessee of property within the town of Manasquan and new members are always welcome. Only one membership per household.
Enclosed: $20.00 payment of dues (per household) for 2022-2023
(Payable to: Manasquan Beach Improvement Association)
Name: _________________________________________________
Home Address: _______________________________________
City_____________________________ State ____ Zip _______
Home Phone: ________________ Cell Phone: __________________ Alternate Cell phone: _________________
Email __________________________________ Alternate Email_______________________________________
Beach Address: ________________________________ Beach Phone: _________________________________
Manasquan Beach Improvement Association, Inc.
Box 231
Manasquan, NJ 08736
June 14, 2024
Balance January 1, 2023 $ 7,774.04
2023 Receipts:
Dues - cash & checks $ 3,270.00
Dues- PayPal (net of fees) 1,125.20
Donations 150.00
Shirts 2,780.00
End of summer party - cash & checks 1,385.00
End of summer party - PayPal net of fees 436.51 9,146.71
2023 Expenses:
Insurance $1,878.00
Postage & printing 1,051.44
Website & email expenses 396.10
Beach sweep refreshmens 83.95
Gift certificate for Mike Bauer 100.00
Volunteer Day expenses 795.73
Gift certificate for Brian Moran 250.00
M.F. Le Ro Foundation for Cancer
Research - in memory of Joan Harriman 100.00
Annual Meeting expenses 120.37
Shirts 1,220.00
Big Sea Day expenses 36.74
Bank fees 35.00
Post Office Box rental 248.00
End of summer party expenses 1,880.65
Breakfast with the Candidates 105.63
Manasquan Chamber of Commerce -
Candy Cane Hunt donation 300.00
Holiday Decorations 810.44 9,412.05
Balance December 31, 2021 $ 7,508.70
2024 Receipts:
Dues - cash & checks $ 2,140.00
Dues - PayPal (net of fees) 892.40
Donations 30.00
Shirts 20.00 3,082.40 $10,591.10
2024 Expenses:
Squan Beach Life Saving Preservation
Committee - donation $ 250.00
Tiffany Prime - membership in
Manasquan Backyard Crawl 200.00
Insurance 767.00
Website & email expenses 207.00
Manasquan First Aid Squad - donation 250.00
Beach sweep refreshments 101.94
Printing & postage 13.60
Volunteer Day expenses 436.32
Girt certificate for Brian Moran 155.95 2,381.81
Balance on June 8, 2022 $ 8,209.29
Respectfully submitted,
Alfred H. Sauer, Treasurer
2. Remit your $20 dues via PayPal
Login to PayPal:
- Select “Send Money”, in the “Send Money” box enter:
- Enter the annual dues amount, $20.00. Elect payment option, complete
transaction by selecting “send payment”.
- You will receive immediate confirmation of payment sent.
- You will receive a follow-up request to verify your current contact information from the MBIA.
How to Become an MBIA Member
1. Complete the form below and send a $20 check made payable to the MBIA to the address below:
Annual MBIA Financial Statement